- 王利独奏音乐会


" Wang Li is a master of both the jaw harp and the calabash flute, turning these ancient Chinese instruments into eloquent, surprisingly modern channels for catharsis. In this captivating solo performance, he intertwines their hypnotic musical vibrations and melodies to create a futuristic, multilayered sound. The result is a meditative exploration of the power of music to bring focus and clarity.

“Fascinating, introspective perpetual-motion meditations…quietly spellbinding.”—New York Times "







- 王利和YOM




- 王利和吴巍

2013年法国巴黎Le cap 演出录像




- 王利与现代木偶剧团屋顶的天使 --戏剧“俄狄浦斯”



Compagnie?: Les Anges au Plafond /?www.lesangesauplafond??
Mise en scène?: Camille Trouvé